Vincennes Stormwater Management Program

The federal Clean Water Act requires stormwater discharges from certain types of urbanized areas to be permitted under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program.  In 1990, Phase I of these requirements became effective and municipalities with a population served by a municipal separate storm sewer (MS4) of 100,000 or more, were regulated.  In 1999, Phase II became effective, any entity responsible for a MS4 conveyance, regardless of population size, could potentially be regulated.  Vincennes is a MS4 which means there is a separate storm system from the sanitary system.  The wastewater leaving your home enters the sanitary sewer system which flows to the wastewater treatment plant at 301 Perdue Road; it is treated and released back into the Wabash River.  However, stormwater and debris enters the storm system through inlets and grates in the street and flows directly to a lake, stream, river or wetland, UNTREATED. Polluted runoff is the nation’s greatest threat to clean water.  As stormwater flows over driveways, lawns, and sidewalks, it picks up debris, fertilizers, pesticides, dirt, and other pollutants as it enters the storm sewer.

EPA’s Phase II Rule 13 specifies that Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), the permitting authority for Indiana, must issue general permits for automatically designated MS4s. The rule requires that operators of the MS4s apply for NPDES permit coverage.  To obtain this coverage, an MS4 manager must develop, implement and enforce a stormwater quality management program (SWQMP) that is designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, protect water quality and satisfy the applicable water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act.

The intent of this program is to reduce the adverse impact of urban stormwater runoff on water quality and aquatic habitat of our nation’s rivers and streams.

What does all that mean for the citizens of Vincennes?

EPA’s Rule 13 states that the SWQMP must include the following six minimum control measures (MCMs).

  1. Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts
  2. Public involvement and participation
  3. Illicit discharge and elimination (IDDE)
  4. Construction site storm runoff control
  5. Post-construction site stormwater management
  6. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

Any questions about Stormwater Contact Jake Personett at

Jake Personett
MS4 Coordinator
403 Busseron St.
Vincennes, IN

Stormwater Billing Information

Additional information on the stormwater utility billing and associated documents.  content will be updated periodically.

Vincennes Construction Program Stormwater Ordinance and Technical Requirements